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DMK ENZYME THERAPY: Our most sought-after treatment. It is hard setting face mask that is applied from decolletage, up the neck and over the face. The mask contains living enzymes that stimulate naturally occurring enzymes within the skin to accelerate the cellular processes.

After your DMK Enzyme Therapy treatment you can expect the beautiful glow, silky texture, and juicy plump appearance to last on average, a minimum of one week.

Facial Treatment


Non Invasive DMK enzymatic skin care treatments work harmoniously with your lymphatic system and your body’s enzymes to hydrolyze dead skin cells, increase oxygenation, increase cellular activity, encourage new collagen and elastin formation, detoxifies the skin to restore your skin’s health to resolves conditions.

While DMK imitates nature to achieve natural results, this does not imply  that all DMK ingredients are natural. The most effective formulations are made from highly refined combination of botanical and pharmaceutical grade ingredients.


Acne – reduces breakouts, unclogs pores and removes dead protein and toxins from your skin. It also helps to reduce pigmentation and acne scarring. In fact, DMK is a leading skincare brand when it comes to scar revision.

Sensitive Skin (Rosacea) – DMK Enzyme Therapy facials are comfortable for even sensitive skin clients and those with rosacea.

Beautiful Skin
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